Thermocouple is a sensor for measuring temperature. It has consist two dissimilar metals conductors, are joined together at the sensing end. Thermocouple grade wire has a accuracy specification than Extension grade wire.There are multiple type of grades of thermocouple wire.Each type of thermocouple has a specific combination of metal alloys

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Compensating Cable It is a type of thermocouple cable that use a different composition to extension cable that is only used to extend a thermocouple signal from the thermocouple sensor back to instrumentation . It is less expensive grade wire used a cheaper alloys.
Conductor Multi -strands
Shield Braiding -SS/TPC/NPC & Al. Mylar with drain wire

Product Specifications

International colour coding for Core insulation & outer jacket
Type IS : 8784 ANS/MC96 BS -1843 DIN 43714 JIS C 1610
Positive Negative Jacket Positive Negative Jacket Positive Negative Jacket Positive Negative Jacket Positive Negative Jacket
T Red Blue Black Blue Red Blue White Blue Blue Red Brown Brown Red White Brown
J Red Blue Blue White Red Black Yellow Blue Black Red Blue Blue Red White Yellow
E Red Violet Violet Violet Red Violet Brown Blue Brown Red Black Black Red White Pink
K Red Green Green Yellow Red Yellow Brown Blue Red Red Green Green Red White Blue
Type Conductor material
Size Temp. Range

Positive Negative AWG (°C)

T Copper Constantan AWG 24 to AWG 16 (0-370)

J Iron Constantan (0-760)

E Chromel Constantan (0-870)

K Chromel Alumel (0-1260)